Tuesday, January 6, 2015

How to Soak Vegetables & Fruit in Sea Salt Water to Remove Pesticides

Pesticides are heavily used on much of our produce, and while this keeps insects from destroying fruits and vegetables, it can also harm humans. There are many ways to remove these pesticides, but a natural and economical way is to use sea salt water. The sea salt solution can be more effective than washing produce with water alone. This is especially important for vegetables and fruits which are not peeled before eating such as apples, bell peppers, potatoes and strawberries.

Things You'll Need
  • Produce cleaning brush
  • Sea salt
  • Teaspoon
  • Water
  • Basin or large container
  • Clean cloth or towel


    • Purchase sea salt from a local grocer or health food specialty store. Make sure that the sea salt that is purchased is in a fine grain, as opposed to large chunks which take more time to dissolve.
    • Clean the area where the vegetables or fruit will be soaked and rinse this area very well to avoid contaminating the produce with household cleaners. Make sure that your hands are washed well.
    • Rinse the fruit or vegetables with clean, running water, making sure to brush off any dirt with a produce cleaning brush. For leafy vegetables, such as cabbage or lettuce, remove the outer layer of leaves before soaking.
    • Prepare a basin or large container with a sea salt water solution with roughly a teaspoon of sea salt to a cup of water. Stir the solution with the teaspoon until the sea salt dissolves completely.
    • Soak the produce in the basin for two minutes, and then rinse thoroughly in running water before serving. If the produce has a hard rind, use a vegetable brush to scrub it with the solution, and then rinse it well.
    • Dry the produce with a clean cloth or towel. Discard the sea salt solution and clean out the basin with fresh water.

Read more : http://www.ehow.com/how_5471922_soak-salt-water-remove-pesticides.html

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