Friday, January 16, 2015

How to make Taiwanese Sour Green Vegetables

by jj.lymm on Dec 7, 2012 • 11:12 pm 5 Comments

If you like Taiwanese food these Taiwanese Sour Green Vegetables 淹酸菜 are very important because they are used as an essential accompaniment to many favourite dishes in Taiwan. You will find these sour greens served with Taiwanese beef noodles, gwa bow braised pork “hamburgers”, bien dang, beef and rice and fried pork with rice. The ingredients are incredibly simple but the method is very important!
Sour green vegetables in the jar, fermenting
Sour green vegetables in the jar, fermenting
The ingredients 食材;
  • Jay-tsai = 芥菜 Jay-tsai, 芥菜
    Jay-tsai, 芥菜
  • Saltwater
  • Salt
The method 作法;
  1. First of all if you have hand picked your vegetables or not they must be washed to give them a little wetness
  2. After washing drain the vegetables of excess water but we still want them – a little – wet
  3. Now in a large mixing bowl turn over the vegetables making sure most leaves get a bit of salt as you sprinkle salt over them
  4. “Massage” the vegetables crushing them together and breaking the fibres and veins
  5. Keep going for 3 or 4 minutes unless you are very weak, if so do it longer!
  6. Let the crushed vegetables relax for an ho and then transfer to a large enough jar or jars
  7. You will have some juice left in the bowl, pour this into the jar(s)
  8. Now you leave this jar with the lid on tightly at room temperature for about 2 or 3 days, after that time test it for sourness, if it’s just right you can refrigerate the jar and use the sour greens over the next year or however long they last!
  9. It’s really good to have some of these Sour Green Vegetables 淹酸菜 in the fridge as a great accompaniment or spice for a Taiwanese meal.
Joanne has recorded a how to make Taiwanese Sour Green Vegetables 淹酸菜 cooking video so you can see and follow the exact method she uses. We hope you really enjoy this sour pickle with lots of your Taiwan food!


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