Sunday, January 18, 2015

Pickled Mustard Green Recipe
  • Salt as needed
  • Boiled water as needed
  • 1 airtight glass jar
  • 4 trees of mustard greens
  • 1 teaspoon Sichuan peppercorn seeds (optional)
  1. Separate the mustard green or cut into large chunks and rinse in running water. Discard any dirt leaves.
  2. Lay the washed mustard greens in a clean gridiron or anything similar to dry the water. Turn over several times and make sure that there is no water on the surface. I would suggest air-drying for around 12 hours until the leaves begins to wither.
  3. Prepare the glass gar: wash the gar with boiling water and then set aside to drain.
  4. Transfer the withered mustard green in a large bowl. Rub the leaves with salt until they are totally withered and begin to loose water. Squeeze the water out. Then place the mustard green leaves in the glass jar. Press each layer down.
  5. Add around 1 tablespoon salt and 1 teaspoon Sichuan peppercorn seeds in the jar. Pour enough boiled water to soak all the leaves.
  6. Cover the jar, move to shade place and wait for 7 to 10 days until the water becomes bright yellowish green.
  7. Taste it to see whether it is ready. The well picked one should be salty and slightly sour.


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